Monday, April 30, 2007

Long lost Kaiya

Well, the lack of posts may have tipped you off that April has been a CRAZY month for us.

Kaiya had us back at the ER in mid-April. She had an allergic reaction to something, but we don't know what. She got quite swollen, red and had hives all over her body. The doctor tested her for food allergies, as well as her thyroid levels. Those tests came back fine. He said they won't continue testing unless the reaction occurs again. (In fact, about half the time, they aren't able to identify what causes little kids to break out in hives, so hopefully this was some fluke thing that won't reoccur.)

The good news is that she was back on the scales... and up to 13.0 lbs. That means she gained almost 2 pounds in about 2 weeks. YEA! Our little girl is catching back up and finally outgrowing her 0-3 month clothes.

Now, let's get to what you really want...
Here is Kaiya laughing :-)

And here she is high steppin'

Here Kaiya and Grandpa celebrate their 5 month birthdays together!

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