Thursday, January 22, 2009

Breathing a long overdue sigh of relief

Well it appears we have at this point, after 1.5+, years weathered the storm that is Kaiya's eating issues. Kaiya is doing really well right now and eating like a champ. Currently she is still in therapy twice a week but it looks like at the end of the month her occupational therapy will be over and similarly her speech therapist keeps saying that shes doing so well she doesn't think she will be seeing her much longer. To give an example, a year ago during speech therapy it was a total fight to get Kaiya to sit still long enough for the therapist to rub a towel over her arms and legs. Now she doesn't really care! Also it was a tooth and nail fight to get her to eat a whole jar (small) of baby food in a flavor she liked. At this past weeks session she ate an entire fish stick (first time ever trying one) and then ate a whole hot dog! The fish stick is huge especially from a texture standpoint and then also from a new foods aspect. Shes doing so well it just makes Lisa and I are so happy. Shes gaining weight, filling out, and just looking really healthy and happy to us.

A wee note to my dear Kaiya
Sweet little bear I dont know how technology will continue to evolve and what this blog will be or if it will be when you are older. But in case you are older at some point and reading this. We have been just so worried about you for so long its so nice to feel like you are doing better. We love you so much and would do anything for you! We thank the Lord for you everyday and you are just the most special little girl we have ever met. ^_^

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Best Buds

Kaiya has a BFF. His name is Conner. They are absolutely adorable with each other. He is almost 2 months older than Kaiya.

(BTW, for some reason, a couple posts from July never appeared on Kaiya's blog. Scroll down to see two "never-before-seen" entries with lots of cute Kaiya pics.)

Sunday, January 04, 2009

Case of the Giggles

So this past weekend we went for a visit to Michigan to see my cousins and daddy got me and my cousin Hailey playing. Enjoy!