Friday, April 06, 2007

It's Good to Be Queen

Well, I hope you are ready for a much needed Kaiya update. The last couple weeks have been quite eventful for us. So, here is a recap:

Saturday, March 24
Kaiya began the day ready to impress. She must have known it was going to be a big day. As we were playing in the morning, Kaiya decided to roll over for the very first time! Not even quite 4 months old, and she’s rolling from her tummy to her back! Now you can watch her in action.

After wowing us with her physical capabilities, Kaiya wowed us with her fashion sense. She sported cute little baby jeans for the first time. (See "Some new Weekly pics" post below.) They are still a little big, but cute none the less. Then, Kaiya made the ultimate sacrifice for beauty… yep, she got her ears pierced!

Grandma Branson and Aunt Sara came to witness the big event, too. Kaiya barely cried at all – I think the noise scared her more than anything. She was very consolable, and she was even smiling afterwards.

Monday, March 26
Kaiya figured out how one of her toys works. When she kicks it, the lights and music go off. It’s now one of her favorite things to do. Plus, she’s learning cause and effect. Watch this adorable video of her playing.

After a fun morning of playing, Mommy and Kaiya went to the doctor. (See "My Poor (Little) Baby" post below.)

Tuesday, March 27
The sitter had to take the day off, because her son was having a medical procedure. So, Daddy stayed home with Kaiya. I’m not sure what he did, but Kaiya was exhausted. She went to bed a couple of hours early – we thought she was taking a late nap, but she decided it was nighty-nighty time. In fact, she slept through her diaper change!

Wednesday, March 28
The sitter had an emergency, and her backups had to watch Kaiya a couple of hours. She was a real challenge for them when she got up from her nap. I think it is because they didn’t know the tricks to feeding her. First, they were giving her the wrong bottle and nipple. Secondly, they didn’t warm up the bottle, and our little girl is really picky – she likes her bottles really warm. And, finally, they were giving her formula! This was the first time K Bear had anything other than breast milk, so I’m not surprised she refused to take it!

I picked her up after lunch, and we went by The Western Star office. Here is our little cutie pie!

Thursday, March 29: Happy 4 Months!
The sitter was sick, so Mommy stayed home with Kaiya. This worked out well, because Aunt Sara went to the hospital. She had developed a kidney infection and sepsis. (She’s doing much better now!) Kaiya and Mommy went to visit her, and there is no doubt that Kaiya was her best visitor! We also realized that Kaiya had been in the hospital a month earlier. Here is the picture Chris sent to brighten Sara’s day.

Saturday, March 31
Daddy bought Kaiya her first pair of sunglasses. She doesn’t really know what to think of them yet, but here she is sporting the Amelia Earhart look.

April 2-4
Daddy had training in Columbus, so we all took a family trip. Kaiya enjoyed swimming in the pool, visiting with Grandpa Branson, shopping, and, most of all, being “queen.”

Notice that the King is bigger than Kaiya :) (And, look! Mommy is back into her pre-pregnancy jeans! Oh what a glorious day…)


Stephen said...

But is she using the jumper thing yet????

And where is that chess set?

Anonymous said...

Tremendous "Baby Blogs," especially for expat parents in Scotland! But what happened in April. Barely past April Fools's the blog stops! Whhhhhaaat's UUuuup?

Please keep feeding the Scotland Knodel's with their baby pablum!!!

Love you guys,

Dad K

PS Lisa is looking "buff!"