Sunday, March 30, 2008

Catch Up

So, I've finally gotten around to updating Kaiya's blog. I've finished a post that I started back in October and loaded a bunch of new photos. So make sure you keep scrolling, even past the entries you have read, for new photos of Kaiya.

This post is probably going to be a little random, but I'm trying to remember what has happened with Kaiya since her birthday. She is now 16 months old. She weighed 17 lbs. 12 oz. when she went for a weight check a week ago, and she has NO teeth!

Chris and I had our very first overnight away in the middle of March. I think it was harder on me than Kaiya, but I only cried a little as we were leaving. Chris and I went to a second chance prom - complete with dinner, dancing and carriage rides. Even though we have known each other since middle school, we never got to go to prom together. The theme was "If I Could Turn Back Time." Here are some pictures.

Grandma and Grandpa Knodel came for a visit from Scotland for a few days in March. Kaiya was a bit shy, but I know they loved the time with her. Susan especially loved Kaiya's red hair! (For those of you who don't know, that's where Kaiya gets it from.)

In February, Kaiya played host for the RP Missions Team Leader training weekend. She was excited for the opportunity to play with Kinsey Filbert. Fortunately, Kaiya wasn't sick this time, and there was no trip to the hospital for four days. Unfortunately, Kinsey was a little under the weather, and the Filberts had to head home early.

We took a trip at Christmas to visit the New York Knodels. We stayed with Aunt Wendy and Uncle Gary on their farm. Kaiya thought the cows were hilarious.

Before we went, we purchased her some super cozy, super stylin’ boots. Check ‘em out.

State count: 14
Country count: 1

Here are some cute pics and video clips of Kaiya:

Just Chillin'

Cute Winter Hat - She has matching gloves

A Pic to Make Mom Smile While She Had a Board Meeting

Laura's Best Buds (We sure do shop a lot!)

Happy Valentine's Day 2008!

This is from September - the first time she climbed the stairs.

This is from September, as well, before Kaiya had any words. Now she says mama, dada, laura, no, yeah, dog, all done, nana (her word for food), hi. She talks all the time, but we just don't understand it yet!


Anonymous said...

Yay! We finally got a Kaiya update, complete with cute pics and videos! (Not to mention the cute photos of mom and dad at prom!)

Anonymous said...

Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Livros e Revistas, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.

Anonymous said...

kaiya is a cutie!!!