Friday, February 02, 2007

A Sad, Sad Day

Well, Monday was a big day for Kaiya. Not only did it mark her two month birthday, but it also was her first round of vaccinations :-(

Here is Kaiya right after they measured and weighed her (and before she knew what was coming): 10 lbs. 2.2 oz. and 22 3/4". That means she gained a little less than 3 pounds and grew a little more than 3 inches in just 2 months!

Kaiya was so pathetic. She was great at taking the oral vaccination, but she screamed when they gave her three shots (Mommy cried, too!). She was a bit fussy and didn't really want to eat for a couple days. Here she is with her badges of courage (nope, not red, just Snoopy and sparkles).

But it wasn't all bad. She got a new toy. She loves to swing, and we were getting tired of buying tons of D batteries. So, she's got a cooler swing that plugs in!

Two more months until we have to do it all again (sans swing).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How could you let them hurt such a cute baby!?