Monday, March 26, 2007

My Poor (Little) Baby

I took Kaiya for her 4 month check up today. The good news is she is recovering very well from the RSV. She had one oral vaccine and three shots. Poor thing cried and cried!

The sad news is that Kaiya only weighs 11 lbs. 1.0 oz. That's not even a pound more than she weighed at her 2 month check up (10 lbs. 2.2 oz.) and only about 1.5 oz. more than she was a month ago when she first got sick. So, she has dropped from the 50th percentile for her weight to just below the 10th. Had she maintained her growth rate, she would be about 13.5 lbs. The doctor said it can take up to two months for babies to recover their weight. So, Lord willing, if she doesn't get sick again, she will be caught back up by her 6 month appointment.

As for her height, she is now 24" long. So, she had a small dip on the growth chart - just over the 50th percentile to just below it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad she's doing well and on the road to getting bigger and better.