Friday, June 08, 2007

Half a Year!

At the end of May, Kaiya celebrated her very first half birthday! The time is just going by too quickly.

At her doctor's appointment, she weighed 13 lbs. 13.2 oz. This girl just refuses to break the 14 lb. barrier! This means she is in the 10th percentile for her weight. But, she was 26.25 inches long -- putting her in the 75th percentile. So, Kaiya is long and slender!

Kaiya got another cold and decided to share it with Mommy. We've decided that Mommy can't handle baby germs. In the last 6 months, Kaiya has "shared" RSV and two colds! Chris is resilient.

Our little girl is learning new things all the time. She can sit on her own now for long periods of time. It's so cute to watch her sit and play. She is also ready to move, move, move. She's trying to crawl -- it won't be long until we are chasing her all over the place.

More to come soon!


Anonymous said...

It would be nice to she some pics of her sitting and playing.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update on weight and length. Great talking with you,Chris. God be with you..